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Register Online


Thank you so much for your interest in Beat Street Dance and Fitness at Woodmont! We are excited to have you as part of our Dance Family!

We offer convenient way to register online via the JackRabbit portal. Simply use the links below to sign up for a new account or to log-in to your existing account. If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please contact us at (754) 245-2674. We will be happy to help you.


» Click here to REGISTER now


» Click here to LOG-IN to your account

NEW STUDENT at Beat Street Dance and Fitness


  • Click on the REGISTER button on our classes page and complete all information. The debit or credit card information is encrypted and stored for your convenience of future payments. Entering this information will not charge your card.

  • There is an annual Registration Fee of $30 per student, which is due in order to hold student's place in the class. After completing registration, follow steps to make a payment. Proper Beat Street attire must be worn during each class which our staff members can help you with.

  • You will receive an automatic email notification that you have registered. The portal may not immediately reflect the correct monthly tuition. Once our staff has adjusted the tuition for the correct amount considering any multi-class discounts, you will receive another notice.

  • Payments can be made by entering the Customer Portal using the email address used for registration. Late payments may incur a late fee.

  • For automatic draft of your account, you will need to select "Auto-pay" in our parent portal, after which, your tuition fees will be duducted automatically for you, eliminating any chance of late fees, if funds are available. 

  • We do not currently accept draft from checking accounts.



  • Log into the portal by clicking on the Log-in link above

  • Lost password? Click "I don't have a password" link and new one will be sent to you.

  • Once you log in, fill in your payment information.

  • Sign up for any classes you wish to take. Visit our Class Schedule page to view the current schedule of camps and classes.

  • You will be responsible for making payment by the first week of class via the portal unless you have enrolled for automatic monthly draft.







For more information on class rules and regulations, visit our Studio Policies page.

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